Vlog idea
I listened to a whisper
A soft and trembling voice
He said he knows things
He sees things
He hears things
His tone timid
He wants to be heard
But his intentions are clouded by
The depths of deception
When he talks hr hears the echoes
But not of his voice
But the voice of a being
A being that doesn't belong
A being that should in no way exist
This being called doubt
Here in this cave, the whisper begs to help
He says he wants to walk towards you but his legs are weak
He would fly to you
But his wings are broken
Broken by the crushing fist of uncertainty
The blinding darkness of discouragement
And the fear that he is unwanted
His voice now boldens
Like ink onto paper
He just wants to be heard
He says he has to tell you something
Before his voice fades again
And he's lost in your mind's abyss
He says
I know what you desire
I know you too are muzzled
I know you too have a voice
One that also begs to be heard
I know
So carry on my innocence
Carry on my confidence
Carry on your passions
Your life's ambitious
Bu do so in the following fashion
He continues
When you speak, be fearless just as an eagle spans the sky, flying up and over its ambitions
When you walk, do so with faith just as the north star never fades, neither will your hope, a lighthouse you can always rely on
And lastly
When you fight the negativity, the shame, the doubt and fear, just remember, I am always here, though as you grow, the cave becomes more illuminated and as you soar, with glory your wings will shine like gold and you will be without fear
Because without a doubt
You are invincible
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