Tuesday, April 18, 2017

An educated and depressed poltergeist during a flood

In a local library, think of the librarian as a landlord—as books come and books go. Each book has its own special place in the library.  The old librarian, who goes by the name of Mrs. Hallman, had died a year ago this week. The body was never found and Mr. Hallman had been deceased for over four years. Some say she still lurks about droning down the tall, towering shelves making sure that everything is still in order.
The security guard on third shift stays at the dark and empty building all night and never are there any issues. I mean, who steals books these days?
He waves his flashlight and patrols the halls every hour but nothing, not even a rat is there to cure his incessant loneliness.
It’s raining outside and the wind is picking up. The radio on his desk reminds him that it may flood tonight and to take precautions. He doubted anything bad would happen. Well something bad did happen. At first the storm drains collected the water but as time went on, the water became thicker and deeper and to his disbelief, the guard had to combat a tide of water seeping through the cracks of the doorway.
After about an hour the water reached the bottom shelves of some of the bookcases. There was even some thunder. There was nothing the guard could do but pick up the books and move them to a safe location. Lightning struck a nearby tree and a small but impacting branch crashed into the window causing a small amount of smoke to set off the sprinklers. The guard knew that this would ruin the entire collection and be a total disaster.

Books began leaving the shelves as if they were being carried and thrown not knocked off and the guard began to contemplate what was happening. Some say it was Lady Hallman, the late librarian—her ghost, returning to her place of work trying to save her books. However, it was too late. The storm was getting worse and there was nowhere to put them. 

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