Tuesday, December 5, 2017

100 exquisite adjectives

100 Exquisite Adjectives
By Mark Nichol
Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives:

Adamant: unyielding; a very hard substance
Adroit: clever, resourceful
Amatory: sexual
Animistic: quality of recurrence or reversion to earlier form
Antic: clownish, frolicsome
Arcadian: serene
Baleful: deadly, foreboding
Bellicose: quarrelsome (its synonym belligerent can also be a noun)
Bilious: unpleasant, peevish
Boorish: crude, insensitive
Calamitous: disastrous
Caustic: corrosive, sarcastic; a corrosive substance
Cerulean: sky blue
Comely: attractive
Concomitant: accompanying
Contumacious: rebellious
Corpulent: obese
Crapulous: immoderate in appetite
Defamatory: maliciously misrepresenting
Didactic: conveying information or moral instruction
Dilatory: causing delay, tardy
Dowdy: shabby, old-fashioned; an unkempt woman
Efficacious: producing a desired effect
Effulgent: brilliantly radiant
Egregious: conspicuous, flagrant
Endemic: prevalent, native, peculiar to an area
Equanimous: even, balanced
Execrable: wretched, detestable
Fastidious: meticulous, overly delicate
Feckless: weak, irresponsible
Fecund: prolific, inventive
Friable: brittle
Fulsome: abundant, overdone, effusive
Garrulous: wordy, talkative
Guileless: naive
Gustatory: having to do with taste or eating
Heuristic: learning through trial-and-error or problem solving
Histrionic: affected, theatrical
Hubristic: proud, excessively self-confident
Incendiary: inflammatory, spontaneously combustible, hot
Insidious: subtle, seductive, treacherous
Insolent: impudent, contemptuous
Intransigent: uncompromising
Inveterate: habitual, persistent
Invidious: resentful, envious, obnoxious
Irksome: annoying
Jejune: dull, puerile
Jocular: jesting, playful
Judicious: discreet
Lachrymose: tearful
Limpid: simple, transparent, serene
Loquacious: talkative
Luminous: clear, shining
Mannered: artificial, stilted
Mendacious: deceptive
Meretricious: whorish, superficially appealing, pretentious
Minatory: menacing
Mordant: biting, incisive, pungent
Munificent: lavish, generous
Nefarious: wicked
Noxious: harmful, corrupting
Obtuse: blunt, stupid
Parsimonious: frugal, restrained
Pendulous: suspended, indecisive
Pernicious: injurious, deadly
Pervasive: widespread
Petulant: rude, ill humored
Platitudinous: resembling or full of dull or banal comments
Precipitate: steep, speedy
Propitious: auspicious, advantageous, benevolent
Puckish: impish
Querulous: cranky, whining
Quiescent: inactive, untroublesome
Rebarbative: irritating, repellent
Recalcitrant: resistant, obstinate
Redolent: aromatic, evocative
Rhadamanthine: harshly strict
Risible: laughable
Ruminative: contemplative
Sagacious: wise, discerning
Salubrious: healthful
Sartorial: relating to attire, especially tailored fashions
Sclerotic: hardening
Serpentine: snake-like, winding, tempting or wily
Spasmodic: having to do with or resembling a spasm, excitable, intermittent
Strident: harsh, discordant; obtrusively loud
Taciturn: closemouthed, reticent
Tenacious: persistent, cohesive,
Tremulous: nervous, trembling, timid, sensitive
Trenchant: sharp, penetrating, distinct
Turbulent: restless, tempestuous
Turgid: swollen, pompous
Ubiquitous: pervasive, widespread
Uxorious: inordinately affectionate or compliant with a wife
Verdant: green, unripe
Voluble: glib, given to speaking
Voracious: ravenous, insatiable
Wheedling: flattering
Withering: devastating
Zealous: eager, devoted

Imagine freeverse poetry

I'd like to start by saying that I believe I have a very Boring life. So I have to spice things up through imagination. We all have that secret life inside our heads. That feeling when you walk by trees and the wind is blowing them in the same direction and you believe you are the one causing it. You are supernatural. Cuz who doesn't wanna have cool powers. Or that time you jumped down a flight of 5 or 6 stairs and felt like a ninja.... 12 4 17

Or the time you finally get Bluetooth and someone calls you and you feel like a secret agent

We all depend on our imagination for these things. Out imaginations as a whole are depended upon by what we see around us today. Without it, we wouldn't have our buildings our roads cities out culture and technology. The Roman empire wouldn't have ever existed. Only with an imagimation could the great colluseums be built

Also, people think we are the only species able to use our imagimations. That is not a fact this. Beavers created dams bees made hives and spiders made webs
Whose to say they aren't creative.

But how creative do you think they are. If you could put a number on it..... Creativity and imagination are one of the very few things science cannot actually predict. I've taken my fair share of iq and pwrsonality tests but how do you measure ones imagination? Its entirely up to the individual. We all have infinite ideas. But some of the best ideas just don't escape. We decide this. We put the barrier between our minds and our lives. We share and express what ideas we want to pursue and ones that which we keep to our selves.

Imagine you logged every idea in your life the minute it arose down on paper. How many stacks or rooms of notebooks would you have.

One way to measure is by what you write

I write a lot myself. And anyone can do it. I write poems frequently. You dont even have to follow any set of rules.

Introduce and promote freeverse...

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Happy Halloween

"Hello, I'd like to place an order for delivery"
The person on the other line says to please hold.
My two friends and I are gathered, eager for pizza and awaiting.
"What would you like?" She speaks.
"Yes, I would like two large pepperoni pizzas and a two liter cola."
"Okay, would you like our halloween special, its only a dollar more, if a zombie doesn't deliver your pizza in thirty minutes or less the entire order is half off?"
"Ha, that's funny, I guess , I'd like a zombie dressed delivery but can I get a selfie with him too?"
"Yep, its the Pizza People guarantee!"

I hung up and told the guys "a zombie is gonna deliver the food, we can get selfies and if he isn't here in thirty minutes its half off."

What could happen in thirty minutes...

We put on our favorite halloween flicks and well as they say, just chilled. Time seemed to go pretty fast. We knocked back a few cold ones and enjoyed ourselves. Before we knew it, the doorbell rang. I opened the door. This must be the pizza I thought to myself. In front of me stood a tall and lanky guy with two large pizzas.
"Hey, I thought you were gonna be dressed up as a zombie" I said perplexed
"What are you talking about?" Here's your pizzas. The total comes to $11.95"
"Okay" I handed him the money and took the pizzas. "Well that was a drag" I muttered. "Lets eat guys"
They both ran to the kitchen to devour the food. Opening one I hear them complaining, "No pepperoni!"
"We should have definitely got the discount but pizza is pizza"

More movies and cold ones, they were stuffed. I returned to the kitchen to find just one slice left.

The doorbell rings... I open and to my horror lay the upper half of a corpse. At first I was surprised but realised some pranks by one of my neighbors. As I looked closer I noticed that they went really detailed on the texture and heaviness of the doll. I thought I could probably use this next year as a decoration. I lifted it up by the arms and man was it heavy.
Something didn't feel right. It looked as if they stuffed it with raw meat because it spilled all over the porch and doorway. Oh, it smelled rank. It must be rancid meat. My neighbors are gross. I vomited in disgust.
"What the?" I thought as I looked next to me on the other side of the porch layed a pizza box with a note:

"As we promised, your order took more than thirty minutes so here's your pizzas and zombie half off"

"Hmm. Free pizza." I opened the lid.
"Oh no!!!!" I screamed. "This is horrific, I am so terrified, disgusting.who could do this" I am yelling for all the neighbors to hear, "what do I tell the guys? Somebody get me a few thick trash bags---they put pineapple on the pizza!!!!"




I like it in the winter
When white blankets made of snow
Cover fields of former sorrow
Causing grief to never grow

And the spring invites our gardens
bearing happiness and hues
It's too bad that April showers
Give the clouds the crying blues

And it's only in the summer
that the sun is shining bright
And only in the fall
Do we begin to lose our light

November dreams
November day
November screams

“Don't go away”

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Any Random Day

You drop when the beat drops, and I drip dry and you flip flop, no alcohol just soda pop, and I scream loud and your ears pop, mid coitus she says don't stop, she introduces her toy box, I said no thanks I don't do props, she says handcuffs,  I don't do cops, there's a story behind every name, I'm labchaddy in the rap game, verse dedicated for every pain, blood sweat and tears don't equal fame, charity is my domain, you got rhyme insurance I got a claim

(1 14 17)
Music--my drug of choice, euphoria in every voice, can't go five seconds without noise, my eardrums are near destroyed, need bass drops to fill the void, in my heart, insert coin,

Spent all my life, Tryna write all the wrongs, through twisted verses and crooked songs, about hate and  love, snakes and doves, and how to wash the blood off of my gloves, back in my day, kids pushed and shoved, threw sticks and stones, but it was their words that broke my bones,   

I miss the day's we spent,  all hungry and lustful for love, I miss your breath's caress, the moment, the push and shove, but it could not be compared to any other random day.  Ooh, we fly away, fly away

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Anything but the truth by jrc

Anything but the truth

America runs on dunkin conspiracy
What the government puts in coffee to control us

Caffeine; The average working class American runs on it. You get up at the day's infancy, weary-eyed and tired; beaten down by the terrors of the night just to turn on the coffee maker, or if you're fortunate you go to the nearest gas station or Mickey Dees. But most of you, and you know who you are go to either Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.
You know their slogan "America runs on Dunkin". Well there's a peculiar truth to that and the government doesn't want you to know it…

Carol was a fragile woman and by fragile I don't mean old. Her husband of 42 died of a heart attack. His Sports Illustrated in one hand, his coffee in the other. He enjoyed a strong coffee, black and no sweetener. Carol didn't drink coffee. She didn't bother with sweets either. She was a health freak. Every morning, she would get up five o'clock sharp and embark on a two-mile jog.

One day she ran into town to pick up her husband Paul’s prescription. The line was long and she wandered around. Paul loved Pez dispensers. He had a walk in closet full of them. She knew he did not have this one she thought as she picked up the  Smokey the bear Pez dispenser, reading that only you can prevent forest fires as the old slogan said. She was excited to surprise him but when she got home she was torn.

His funeral
Why he died
Paul lays, motionless and yet at peace. Aside from his wife, he had no family so only Carol and the sheriff attended the funeral. Robert the sheriff as addressed by Paul was a great friend and neighbor who used to mow the couples lawn in the times he was unemployed.

The good times
Memories they had and the life he lived

A brand new start
New love in a pet pumpkin
The café
Cause of death, same ingredient the poisoned him is in fast food coffee
The café was Paul’s favorite place to read the daily local newspaper and always in his left hand his coffee.

A call from the clouds
A calling from him to let her know he believes in her

Uncle Sam secret
You see coffee is a wonderful thing. There are many varieties too much to count and you can have it any way you like strong or sweet, hot or cold. But one thing is for certain people love it, and those who drink it usually do everyday. And to add insult to injury they can't help it between the caffeine and the sugar and all the other chemicals who knows what else they put  in it.
A special serum that makes people slaves to fast food and ultimately cause nationwide obesity to fuel the healthcare industry

We’re gonna get em
The fight to take down the coffee industry

The reason  why the government did it
To cause health problems filling doctors offices and hospitals and ultimately fueling the pharmaceutical economy and generating money for the economy

Win win
Don't ask don't tell...

Back to basics


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Reflection (archive)


I try to stray from narcisism
Yet we are told to love ourselves
After all, who couldn't
Sit alone on the top shelf
Pulling strings to make things right
Time guides the church's bells
As flocks of birds gain flight

A nickel for a thought or two
Save your cash, this I advise
And save it for a rainy day
When time no longer flies

I'll be there when your lonely
And you don't have much to do
I'll dry your every tear
When you are feeling blue

You'll be there when I'm lonely
And I don't have much to do
Tell me the only reason
It's because I am you
It's because I am you

How one could influence a sentence

A man walked into a bar

A lonely man walked into a bar

A lonely, sad and all but broken old man, lowered the brim of his beige fishing hat, and shuffled his way to the poorly lit side of a Brooklyn diner, only to realize that the crumpled up cash that he had reserved for booze was in his other pants.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Photo merge project

Art prompts

1. Image merge via gimp
A. Body parts with symbolic or metaphoric concepts expressing a new emotion, example an eye with iron bares infused between the eyelids translates from feeling trapped or guarded