Thursday, August 3, 2017

Anything but the truth by jrc

Anything but the truth

America runs on dunkin conspiracy
What the government puts in coffee to control us

Caffeine; The average working class American runs on it. You get up at the day's infancy, weary-eyed and tired; beaten down by the terrors of the night just to turn on the coffee maker, or if you're fortunate you go to the nearest gas station or Mickey Dees. But most of you, and you know who you are go to either Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.
You know their slogan "America runs on Dunkin". Well there's a peculiar truth to that and the government doesn't want you to know it…

Carol was a fragile woman and by fragile I don't mean old. Her husband of 42 died of a heart attack. His Sports Illustrated in one hand, his coffee in the other. He enjoyed a strong coffee, black and no sweetener. Carol didn't drink coffee. She didn't bother with sweets either. She was a health freak. Every morning, she would get up five o'clock sharp and embark on a two-mile jog.

One day she ran into town to pick up her husband Paul’s prescription. The line was long and she wandered around. Paul loved Pez dispensers. He had a walk in closet full of them. She knew he did not have this one she thought as she picked up the  Smokey the bear Pez dispenser, reading that only you can prevent forest fires as the old slogan said. She was excited to surprise him but when she got home she was torn.

His funeral
Why he died
Paul lays, motionless and yet at peace. Aside from his wife, he had no family so only Carol and the sheriff attended the funeral. Robert the sheriff as addressed by Paul was a great friend and neighbor who used to mow the couples lawn in the times he was unemployed.

The good times
Memories they had and the life he lived

A brand new start
New love in a pet pumpkin
The café
Cause of death, same ingredient the poisoned him is in fast food coffee
The café was Paul’s favorite place to read the daily local newspaper and always in his left hand his coffee.

A call from the clouds
A calling from him to let her know he believes in her

Uncle Sam secret
You see coffee is a wonderful thing. There are many varieties too much to count and you can have it any way you like strong or sweet, hot or cold. But one thing is for certain people love it, and those who drink it usually do everyday. And to add insult to injury they can't help it between the caffeine and the sugar and all the other chemicals who knows what else they put  in it.
A special serum that makes people slaves to fast food and ultimately cause nationwide obesity to fuel the healthcare industry

We’re gonna get em
The fight to take down the coffee industry

The reason  why the government did it
To cause health problems filling doctors offices and hospitals and ultimately fueling the pharmaceutical economy and generating money for the economy

Win win
Don't ask don't tell...

Back to basics


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